Niclas Dahlgren - Founder & CEO

Niclas has a long and proven career inside the battery space. He has a background from both boating and racing and is a driving force in battery renewal

Battery Hero - Founder & CTO

We are recruiting a key player from the car battery space,
to be revealed soon!

Jonas Ulveseth - Boardmember

Jonas Ulveseth is a co-founder of Bowter, he has a background in software development and has been apart of more than 10 startup journeys

Joakim Spetsmark - Boardmember

Joakim Setsmark is a co-founder of Bowter. He has background from both industrial and web design aswell as VR development

Björn Karlsson - Boardmember

Björn has been a key part of bowters journey and is a battery renewal enthusiast. He has management and sales experience from bigger industry, especially gas cleaning systems